Customers are billed for products and service that have been rendered during the previous month. A copy of our rate chart is posted below for your inspection.
Due to the billing being a month behind, prompt payment is required upon receiving your bill. Bills are mailed to customers on or around the same date each month depending on the billing cycle for your area. Once you have received your first bill, you can expect to receive a bill on or around the same date each month. Each bill contains information such as your name, address, account number, monthly water usage, due date, amount due, penalty date, amount due after the due date, state and local use taxes (where applicable) and our remit to address.
**For Tax Exempt customers, we must have a copy of your tax exempt certificate on file at our office. If your property qualifies as a farm, you may complete a tax exempt certificate at our office. If we do not have a tax exempt certificate on file, a 6% sales tax will be added to all water bills.**